English Source Singers
- Jack Arnoll
- Bob Blake
- Charlie Bridger
- Henry Burstow
- The Copper Family
- Debbie and Pennie Davis
- Bill Dore
- Johnny Doughty
- Ray Driscoll
- George Dunn
- Jack Elliott
- George Fradley
- Alice Francombe
- Jacquey Gabriel
- Jack Goodban
- Archer Goode
- Jim 'Brick' Harber
- Bob Hart
- Mary Ann Haynes
- Ivor Hill
- Frank Hinchliffe
- Harry Holman
- Joe Jones
- Lena Jones
- Fred Jordan
- George 'Pop' Maynard
- Tom Newman
- Freda Palmer
- Walter Pardon
- Alice Penfold
- Cyril Philips
- Cyril Poacher
- Sarah Porter
- Bill Porter
- Ted and Bet Porter
- Louie Saunders
- Biggun Smith
- Denny Smith
- Derby Smith
- Jasper Smith
- Minty Smith
- Levi Smith
- Wiggy Smith
- Wisdom Smith
- George Spicer
- George Townshend
- Harry Upton
- Bill Whiting
- Chris Willett
- Jim Wilson