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Director of Folkopedia

A retired folk musician but still performing for fun with the old swan band, the english string band, and occasional local bands as a dep.

From 1998 – 2008 on the National Council of the English Folk Dance and Song Society and also a trustee of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library and its home, Cecil Sharp House.

In 2017 awarded the EFDSS Gold Badge. EFDSS Gold Badge Citation

A researcher into social dance music of the 18th and 19th centuries with The Village Music Project.

The coordinator of a support group for the archive of the well regarded folklorist and collector Doc Rowe.

Formerly Director of the Paul Graney Archive Project, an audio archive of recordings made in the NW of England in the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s now housed at Manchester Central Library.

A former local radio broadcaster with a folk show on Phoenix FM in West Yorkshire (now Roving Folk with Ken Hudson).

A folk recording artist and producer with an extensive discography.

See also: Web site