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An additional starting point for gathering and cross referencing Song information.
An additional starting point for gathering and cross referencing Song information.

* [[Francis James Child]]

* [[Child Ballads]]
* [[Child Ballads]]

Latest revision as of 15:50, 1 February 2025

Here's a few things to get this section started.


The Folk Music Journal. The peer-reviewed journal of the EFDSS. Contents pages are on the FMJ website.

Folklore. The peer-reviewed journal of the Folklore Society. web site

Oral History is the journal of the Oral History Society web site

Journal of the English Folk Dance Society. Six issues between 1914 and 1932.


containing published un-refereed learned articles

English Dance & Song is the organ of the EFDSS. It has a web site where extra content is included for each issue.


The Village Music Project directed by John Adams catalogues and web publishes traditional tunes found in a range of musicians hand written books dating back as far as 1694. web site

The Yorkshire Garland Project aims to collect, collate and disseminate Yorkshire song. See an article on the Yorkshire Folk Arts web site for details.

Individual Researchers


After you have consulted the contributions policy, please feel free to add your name in here (with a short sentence describing your research area) and link it either to a new page where you can describe your research or to your research web site. Please do not link directly to pages promoting performances or gig lists. There are other places to do that.

Dance Research

  • Dance Bibliography. Includes books, articles,academic studies, and links to notable researchers' websites where appropriate
  • Historical Resources. Here are some links for learning some more about traditional dance.

Song Research

An additional starting point for gathering and cross referencing Song information.

This section (added November 8th 2008) is an initiative by members of the Traditional Song Forum and intended to conduct some further analysis on the work of Francis James Child.

Tune Research

Books, Articles, and Academic Studies - Music Includes books, articles,academic studies, and links to notable researchers' websites where appropriate

The Fiddler's Companion maintained by Andrew Kuntz on is a large index of fiddle tunes from around the world.

The Village Music Project run by John Adams and Chris Partington focuses on manuscript collections found within or related to England.