Shadrack Hayden

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Shadrack Hayden - perhaps better known as Shepherd Hayden - singer; surname sometimes given as "Haden" or "Haydon". Born at Lyford, Berkshire in 1826, he shepherded at Hatford near Faringdon before moving to Bampton, Oxfordshire in 1891. He was living in Bampton when Cecil Sharp collected songs from him, towards the end of his life, in 1909, 1910 and 1914. Alfred Williams also collected a number of songs from him - see (search for "haydon" in "Collected From").

Songs collected

Adieu my lovely Nancy
As I walked through the meadows
As I was going to Romford
Bold General Wolfe
The brisk young bachelor
The croppy boy
The cobbler and the butcher
The constant farmer's son
Country blade and his scolding wife
The Crimea
Daughter in the dungeon
The dirty beggarman
Erin's lovely home
Farmer and tinker
Greenland fishery (Whale fishers)
The gypsy laddie
The hearty poacher
John Barleycorn
The little dun mare
Lord Bateman
Lost lady found
Nancy Whisky
O once I was a shepherd's boy (On Compton Downs)
Pleasant month of May
The ploughboy's courtship
The rambling sailor
Rosemary lane
The Royal George
The sailor and the soldier
Sailor cut down in his prime
The simple ploughboy
St. James's hospital
Thomas and Nancy
Thorneymoor woods
The three butchers
Three jolly huntsmen
Wraggle taggle gipsies (Draggle-tailed gipsies)
You bachelors you know
The young girl cut down in her prime

Songs sung by Shepherd Hayden - VWML Online

Photographs of Shepherd Hayden, and list of songs collected from Hayden by Cecil Sharp - VWML Online