35 The Cuckoo

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Back to Cecil J. Sharp (1916) ''One Hundred English Folk Songs''

Tune Analysis: C# Aeolian, Heptatonic, Mainly Authentic but 4 of the Bs are immediately below the keynote.

Sheet Music (1916) Media:35 The Cuckoo.pdf

Cecil Sharp's Note 35 (1916)

MIDI Sequence Media:35 The Cuckoo First Verse.mid

PDF Media:35 The Cuckoo First Verse.pdf

Music XML File:35 The Cuckoo First Verse.xml

ABC Code:

X:35 T:35 The Cuckoo C:From 'One Hundred English Folk Songs' (1916) P:Collected by Cecil J. Sharp %%scale 0.83 %%pagewidth 21.00cm %%leftmargin 1.00cm %%rightmargin 1.00cm L:1/8 M:3/4 I:linebreak $ K:C#aeo C>B, | C2 c2 B>G | F>D B,2 (C>D) | E2 G2 F>E | C4 (C>B,) |$ C2 c2 (B>G) | (F>D) B,2 (C>D) | w: O the|cuc- koo she's a|pret- ty bird, she *|sing- eth as she|flies. She *|bring- eth good *|tid * ings, she *| E2 G2 (F>E) | C4 (C>D) |$ E3 F (GE) | (FE) F2 F>G | (A>B) c2 (G>F) | G4 (3(GA)B |$ c2 (c>d) c>B | w: tell- eth no *|lies. She *|suck- eth white *|flow\- * ers, for to|keep * her voice *|clear; And * the|more she * sing- eth| (G>F) (E>F) G2 | F3 C E>D | C4 |] w: cuc\- * koo * the|sum- mer draw- eth|near.|