Take 6 Transcription Programme: The Butterworth Archive, MS 7d
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For playback, abc files, and midi files, of these transcriptions that are linked to their original MSS enter the filenames [LEB/2/1/1 or whatever] in the search box here. [[1]]
GB/7d/1 Painful Plough
abc notation
T:GB/7d/1 Painful Plough
C:East Chiltington, XI. 08
P:F.W. J(ekyll) & G.S.K B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
d | G3/2 A/ B c |[M:3/4] d f e |[M:4/4] d3/2 c/ A A | G3 :| G | B c d g |$ f e d B | c c d d |
G3/2 A/4G/4 F D | G3/2 A/ B c |[M:3/4] d f e |[M:4/4] d3/2 c/ A A | G3 |]
GB/7d/2 Now We've drunk Our Master's Health
abc notation
T:GB/7d/2 Now We've Drunk Our Master's Health
C:Mr. George Knight, Horsham
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
C/ C/ F F | G E C | C A A | A2 c |$ G G G | G E C | C A A | A2 G |$ E G G | c G E | F G A |
w: Now we've drunk our|mas- ter's health,|We'll drink our|dame's, And|we will be|mer- ry in|do- ing the|same: To|him we drank|one glass, To|her we'll drink|
c2 A |$ G E C | F D D | E C C | C3 |]
w: two, And|we will be|mer- ry be-|fore we do|go.|
Notes on GB/7d/2 The tune is identical to that of GB/6b/12.
GB/7d/3 We Poor Labouring Men
abc notation
T:GB/7d/3 We Poor Labouring Men
C:East Meon
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
F2 F B2 B | D3 F2 F | E3 F2 D | B,3- B,2 F |$ B2 A GAB | c2 A F>GA | B2 G C>D=E | F3- F2 F |$
d3 B2 B | e2 d c2 A | B2 c B2 _A | F3 D2 D |$ E2 E D2 C | D2 E F2 B | c2 A F>GA | B6 |]
GB/7d/4 Young Girl Cut Down In Her Prime
abc notation
T:GB/7d/4 Young Girl Cut Down In Her Prime
C:East Meon
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
W: The key has been changed from D (2 sharps) to D Mixolydian
W: (one sharp) to eliminate the accidental naturals on the Cs.
W: The tune is unaltered.
I:linebreak $
D | D F A | A B A | G A F | E !fermata!D B/c/ | d B A |$ G B d | c/B/ A G | A2 A | d B A |
G B d |$ c B G | A !fermata!D D/E/ | =F E D | A B c | E G F | D2 |]
GB/7d/5 Horn Fair
abc notation
T:GB/7d/5 Horn Fair
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
E- |: E | ABcd e2 fd | c2 dB A3 :| e | fddf dBBd |$ e2 dc B3 E | ABcd eafd | c2 dB !fermata!A2 |]
Notes on GB/7d/5 In the MS the bar lengths are inconsistent. To resolve this the anacrucial crotchet has been split into two quavers and a forward repeat has been inserted between them.
GB/7d/6 Dido & Spandigo
abc notation
T:GB/7d/5 Horn Fair
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
E- |: E | ABcd e2 fd | c2 dB A3 :| e | fddf dBBd |$ e2 dc B3 E | ABcd eafd | c2 dB !fermata!A2 |]
GB/7d/7 Madam I'll Present
abc notation
T:GB/7d/7 Madam, I'll Present
P:F(rancis) W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | DG GG G2 GG | A>B cA B2 B A | GGGF E2 FG | A>BAG GF Bd |$[M:3/4] d4 d2 | B4 AG |
[M:4/4] G2 B2 D2 z D | EFGA B2 A2 | G6 |]
Notes on GB/7d/7 The tune is identical to that of GB/6b/25.
GB/7d/8 "Banks of Sweet Dundee"
abc notation
T:GB/7d/8 "Banks of Sweet Dundee"
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
d | c2 B G2 G | B2 c d2 B | c2 B G2 G | G3- G2 d | g2 g d2 e |$ =f3 e2 c | _B2 A =f2 e |
"^." d3- d2 d | g2 g d2 e | =f3 e2 c |$ _B2 A =f2 e | d3- d2 d | c2 B G2 G | B2 c d2 B |
c2 B G2 G | G3- G2 |]
GB/7d/9 Planxty Conor
abc notation
T:GB/7d/9 Planxty Conor
C:Tom O'Brien, fiddler & dancer, Foynes, Ireland, (19)06
T:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
d | B2 G AFD | E2 F G2 A | B>B B BcA | B>B B BcA | Bc d EFG |$ A>BA/G/ FED | EF G ABA | G3 F2 D |
G2 B def | g2 a gfe |$ d>c B c2 d | e>gf/a/ g2 e | dc B{/B} c2 A |{/A} B2 G AFD | EF G ABA |
G3 G2 |]
GB/7d/10 The Blackbird (Dance)
abc notation
T:GB/7d/10 The Blackbird (Dance)
C:T. O'B(rien), Ireland, (19)06
P:F(rancis) W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
c2 B | A2 F A2 c | B3 A2 F | G2 A G2 F | E2 F G2 A | B2 A B2 d | e2 c =B2 G |$ F2 A G2 E |
C3 C2 D | _E2 D =E2 F | G2 f e2 d | c2 =B c2 d | e2 c =B2 G |$ F2 A G2 E | C3 C3 | C3 c2 d |
e3 c2 d | e3 f3 | g2 a g2 f | e2 f g2 e |$ f3 gfe | f3 g2 e | f2 g f2 e | c3 c2 d | e3 c2 d |
e3 f3 | g2 a g2 f |$ e2 f g2 e | f2 g f2 d | c3 c3 | c2 d e2 f | g2 a g2 f | e2 f g2 e |$
f3 d2 f | e2 c d2 =B | c2 =B G2 A | _B2 A B2 c | d2 e f2 d | g3 g3 |$ G2 A G2 F | E2 F G2 A |
B2 A B2 d | e2 c =B2 A | F2 A G2 E | C3 C3 | C3 |]
GB/7d/11 Bonny Light Horseman
abc notation
T:GB/7d/11 Bonny Light Horseman
C:Jesse Robinson, Ilmington, XI. 10
P:F.W. J(ekyll)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
D/>E/ | F F F/>E/ | E D D/F/ | A A A | (G F) D/>E/ | F F D/>E/ | F F F/>E/ | E D D/F/ | A A A |$
(G F) D/>F/ | A d c | B A (D/F/) | A d c | (B A) D/>F/ | A d c | B A F | E G B |$
B !fermata!A D/>E/ | F F F/>E/ | E D D/>F/ | A A A | G F D/>F/ | A d c | B A F/E/ | D B A | D2 |]
GB/7d/12 Week Before Easter
abc notation
T:GB/7d/12 Week Before Easter
C:Mrs. Cranstone 1911
P:G.S.K. B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
D | G G D | G2 D | G A/B/ c | d2 d/c/ | B A G | G D D/D/ | G c B |$ A2 B/c/ | d B d | c/B/ A c |
B G A | D3/2 E/ F/D/ | G3/2 A/ B | c A3/2 G/ | F G |]
GB/7d/13 'Twas Down in Yonder Valley
abc notation
T:GB/7d/13 'Twas Down in Yonder Valley
C:Mr. Searle, Wepham, XII. 11.
P:G.S.K. B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | A G F F | F2 E F | C2 B, C |"^(a)" D2 D/E/ G | G2 E/D/ C | D E F/E/ D | B, B, C A, | G,3 G, |$
C D E C | D E F/E/ D | E F G/A/ B | c2 B c |"^(b)" A G F E | F3/2 G/ A/G/F/E/ | D2 C B, | C3 ||$
G | A G F F | F2 E F | C2 B, C |"^(a) var." D2 E G | G2 E/D/ C | D E F/E/ D | B, B, C A, |
G,3 G, | C D E C |$ D E F/E/ D | E F G/A/ B | c2 B c |"^(b) var." A2 G/F/ E | F3/2 G/ A/G/F/E/ |
D2 C B, | C3 |]
GB/7d/14 The Servant Man
abc notation
T:GB/7d/14 The Servant Man
C:Mr. Searle, Wepham, XII. 11.
P:G.S.K. B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | B c d G | A2 B3/2 A/ | G3 G | B c d G | B2 d2 | A3 B/A/ |$ G F G A | g2 f e | e d2 e |
d3/2 c/ B G | c3/2 A/ B A | G3 |]
GB/7d/15 Merry Broomfield
abc notation
T:GB/7d/15 Merry Broomfield
C:Ipswich, VI. 12
P:G.S.K. B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
EF | G2 EF G2 EF |"^(a)" G2 DE !fermata!C2 CC | DEFA AGEC | D4- D3 C |$ CE (3GAB c2 Ac |
GGAG C2 CE | EDFG BAFD | C6 ||$ EF | G2 EF G2 EF |"^(a) var." GC DE !fermata!C2 CC | DEFA AGEC |
D4- D3 C |$ CE (3GAB c2 Ac | GGAG C2 CE | EDFG BAFD | C6 |]
GB/7d/16 Tree in the Wood
abc notation
T:GB/7d/16 Tree in the Wood
C:Ipswich, VI. 12.
P:G.S.K. B(utterworth)
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
"^1st verse " DDDD F2 G2 |[M:6/4] E2 EE D4 D3 E |$[M:4/4] F2 d2 A3 G |[M:6/4] F2 E2 D4 D3 E |
w: Once there was a tree that|grew in the wood, And the|wood stood down the|vall- ies low, And the|
[M:4/4] F2 d2 A3 G |$[M:6/4] F2 E2 D6 A,2 |[M:4/4] D2 D2 F2 F2 | E2 E2 A,2 A,2 |$ E2 E2 D2 C2 |
w: wood stood down the|vall- ies low. 2.~And|on this tree there|was a branch, a|dan- dy cur- ious|
A,6"^(a)" F2 | GGGG E2"^(b)" EE |$[M:6/4] FFFF D4 D3 E |[M:4/4] F2 d2 A3 G |[M:2/4] F2 E2 |$
w: branch. The|branch was on the tree, And the|tree was in the wood, And the|wood stood down the|vall- ies|
[M:4/4] D4 D3 E | F2 d2 A3 G |[M:5/4] F2 E2 D6 |]
w: low, And the|wood stood down the|vall- ies low|
GB/7d/17 Bucknell Morris Tunes 1 of 8: Bonny Green
abc notation
T:GB/7d/17 Bonny Green
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 1 of 8
C:Will Rolfe, 1912
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | cB c ded | cB A GAB | cB c AGF | EFD C2 :: z | DE F EDC | DE F GAB |$ cB c AGF | EFD C2 :| z |
[M:3/8] C3 |[M:6/8] c2 B c3 | d2 e d3 | c2 B A3 | G2 A B3 | c2 B c3 | A2 G F3 |$ (2:3:2EF D3 |
C3 C3 | c2 B c3 | d2 e d3 | c2 B A3 | G2 A B3 | c2 B c3 | A2 G F3 | (2:3:2EF D3 |
C4- !fermata!C |]
Notes on GB/7d/17 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/18 Bucknell Morris Tunes 2 of 8: Queen's Delight
abc notation
T:GB/7d/18 Queen's Delight
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 2 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
d2 G dcB | cBc ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 :| cBc cBc | ABc def | gfg eag |$ gfe def | g2 g gfe |
dec ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 ||"^Uprights" cBc cBc |[M:9/8] ABc d2 e f3 |$[M:6/8] g2 f g3 |
(2:3:2ea g3 |[M:9/8] g2 f e3 def |[M:6/8] g2 g gfe | dec ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/18 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/19 Bucknell Morris Tunes 3 of 8: Bonnet So Blue
abc notation
T:GB/7d/19 Bonnet So Blue
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 3 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
C | F>E F ABc | C>C C CDE | FA d cAF | GA G G2 A | F>F F FGA |$ C>C C C2 d | cB A GAG | F3 F2 :|
F | EF G GAG | C>C C C2 F | EF G GAB |$ c3 c2 B | A2 G F2 E | D2 E F2 G | AB A GFE | C3 D2 C |
F>F F FGA |$ C>C C C2 F | EF G GAB | c3 c2 B | A2 G FGA | Bc d c2 d | cB A GFE | F3 F2 ||$
[M:3/8]"^Capers" C3 |[M:6/8] F2 E F3 | A2 B c3 | C2 D C3 | C2 D E3 | F2 A d3 | c2 A F3 |$ G2 A G3 |
[M:3/8]"^? should be A music." G2 B |[M:6/8] A2 G FGA | Bcd c2 d | cBA GFE | F3 F3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/19 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/20 Bucknell Morris Tunes 4 of 8: Saturday Night
abc notation
T:GB/7d/20 Saturday Night
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 4 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
BAG Gdd | dAA A3 | BAG EEE | AGF G3 :| ADD D3 | AAB c3 | BAG Bcd |$ DGF G3 | ADD D3 |
[M:9/8] AAB c2 B c3 |[M:6/8] B2 A G3 | B2 c d3 | (2:3:2DG F3 |[M:3/8] G3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/20 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/21 Bucknell Morris Tunes 5 of 8: Room for Cuckolds
abc notation
T:GB/7d/21 Room for Cuckolds
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 5 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
F>FF C2 C |"^(a)" D>Fd cBA | F>FF C2 C | D2 G F3 ::$"^(b)" A2 F A2 F | AFA G3 | A2 F D2 D |
GFE F3 ::$ F>FF C2 C |"^(a) var." D>Fd cAF | F>FF C2 C | D2 G F3 ::$"^(b) var." AGF A2 F |
ABA G3 | A2 F D2 D | GFE F3 :|
Notes on GB/7d/21 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/22 Bucknell Morris Tunes 6 of 8: Old Woman
abc notation
T:GB/7d/22 Old Woman
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 6 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
C2 C C>AA | AGF EGC | FEF G3 | A>CC C3 :: ccc Gcc | Gcc cBA |$ GGG G2 G | GAF EFG | C2 C CAA |
AGF EGC | FEF G3 | A>CC C3 :|
Notes on GB/7d/22 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/23 Bucknell Morris Tunes 7 of 8: Old Black Joe
abc notation
T:GB/7d/23 Old Black Joe
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 7 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
CFF FEF | GAG G2 G | Fcc cBA | GAG BAG | F3 D3 | GFE F3 :|$ BAB c2 c | dBd c3 | BAB c2 c |
dBd c3 | cBA AGF |$ GAG G2 G | Fcc cBA | GAG BAG | F3 D3 | GFE F3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/23 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/24 Bucknell Morris Tunes 8 of 8: Trunkles
abc notation
T:GB/7d/24 Trunkles
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 8 of 8
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
c3 A B2 d2 | cABG A2 F2 | c3 A B2 d2 | cBAG F4 :| c3 =B c2 f2 |$ ddd=B c2 f2 | dd (3dc=B A2 B2 |
c4 c2 fe | d2 _B2 BABd |$ c2 A2 AFAc | B2 G2 GFGB | A2 F2 F2 c2 | B2 AG F2 G2 | F4 F4 |]
Notes on GB/7d/24 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/30a Escrick Sword Dance Tunes 1 of 2: Fisher Laddy
abc notation
T:GB/7d/30a Fisher Laddy
T:Escrick Sword Dance Tunes 1 of 2
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
A2 AF A2 AF | A2 AG FEFG | A2 A2 BAGF | EFGE F4 ::$ c2 cA d2 d2 | BGAB c4 | A2 A2 BAGF |
EFGE F4 :|
GB/7d/30b Escrick Sword Dance Tunes 2 of 2: Oyster Girl
abc notation
T:GB/7d/30b Oyster Girl
T:Escrick Sword Dance Tunes 2 of 2
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
d | ded B2 G | A2 F D3 | GFG BAG | d2 B A2 d | ded B2 d |$ g2 e c2 e | edc dcA | G3- G3 ||
BBB B2 A | B2 c d3 |$ AAA A2 G | A2 B c3 | BBB B2 A | B2 c d2 g | fed cBA | G3 g3 |]
GB/7d/31a Winlaton Sword Dance Tunes 1 of 2: Song
abc notation
T:GB/7d/31a Song
T:Winlaton Sword Dance Tunes 1 of 2
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
g/^f/ | eA A cBA | E A2- A2 d | de d dBc | d3- d2 d | eA A cBA |$ E A2- A2 B | cd e dcB |
A3- A2 || A | A^c e ggg | ^f e2- e2 d |$ de d eBG | d3- dg^f | eA A cBA | E A2- A2 B | cd e dcB |
A3- A2 |]
GB/7d/31b Winlaton Sword Dance Tune 2 of 2: Jig Tune
abc notation
T:GB/7d/31b Jig Tune
T:Winlaton Sword Dance Tunes 2 of 2
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
e | eA A eAA | BA B GBd | eA A eAA | g^f g2 ed |$ eA A eAA | BA B GAB | cd e g2 B | cAA A2 |]
Notes on GB/7d/31b This is a rapper dance. See [2] for a performance of this dance in 1920; the musician and the dancers were probably the same individuals that Butterworth witnessed. This footage illustrates just how hard rapper tunes are to notate without recording equipment.
GB/7d/34 A Story, A Story
abc notation
T:GB/7d/34 A Story, A Story
C:Mr. John Woodhouse, aged 81, California, Ormesby, Norfolk, III. 13.
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | C2 D/E/ F | G B A G | F2 D"^(a)" F/D/ | C3 G |"^(b)" B2 G/A/ B |"^(c)" G2 A G |$ F/E/ D E F |
G3 G | B2 A c | G B A G | F/E/ D B c | G2 F D |"^(d)" C2 D E/F/ |$ G B A G | F2"^(e)" D B, | C3 ||
G | C2 D/E/ F | G B A G | F2 D"^(a) var." D |$ C3 G |"^(b) var." B G A B |"^(c) var." G B A G |
F/E/ D E F | G3 G | B2 A c | G B A G |$ F/E/ D B c | G2 F D |"^(d) var." C3/2 D/ E F | G B A G |
F2"^(e) var." D/C/ B, | C3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/34 An F has been inserted into the key signature and the flats have been removed from all of the Bs; this fine Mixolydian tune is simplified but unaltered by this.
GB/7d/35 On the First of November Last
abc notation
T:GB/7d/35 On the First of November Last
C:Mr. John Woodhouse, aged 81, California, Ormesby, Norfolk, III. 13.
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
B>c | d>e d3 B | c>"^(a)"d !fermata!c2 B>A |"^(b) (c)" G>A B2 A2 | G>F !fermata!D2 B>c |$
w: |||||
d2 c2 B>G | A>G D2 G>F |[M:4/4] G>B d3 c B>G | F2 !fermata!G4 ||$ B>c |[M:3/4] d>e d3 B |
w: ||||||
c>"^(a) var."B !fermata!c2 B>A |"^(b) var." G2 B2 A2 | G>F !fermata!D2 B>c |$ d2 c2 B>G |
w: ||||
A>G D2 G>F |[M:4/4] G>B d3 c B>F | F2 !fermata!G4 ||$ B>c |[M:3/4] d>e d3 B |
w: |||||
c>d !fermata!c2 B>A |"^(c) var." G>B A2 G2 | D4 B>c |$ d2 c2 B>G | A>G D2 G>F |
w: |came a can- non|ball * *|||
[M:4/4] G>B d3 c B>G | F2 !fermata!G4 ||
w: ||
Notes on GB/7d/35 A redundant flat has been removed from the key signature, which is F and in the Dorian mode; the tune is unaltered by this. Fermatas have been added on the final minim in each of the three verses (at the ends of the second, fouth and sixth lines) to bring out the unusual and beautiful shape of the tune. The "cannon ball" interpolation clearly relates to a variation in the tune specific to that particular verse.
GB/7d/36 Scarbro' Town
abc notation
T:GB/7d/36 Scarbro' Town
C:Attributed by Butterworth to "??"
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
G | c B c A | G2 C F | G2 D F/E/ | C3 G | c d e c |$ d2 G d | B G A A | G3 G | G c c d |
e c !fermata!A G | A d c/B/ c |$ F2 !fermata!E E/D/ | C A A B | c c F A | G3/2 F/ D F/E/ | C3 ||
GB/7d/37 Oh Father, Dear Father (Fragment)
abc notation
T:GB/7d/37 O Father, Dear Father
C:Mr. Woodhouse
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
E/F/ | G2 E F | G2 E F | G G F D | C3 D/E/ | F2 D E | F2 D/E/ F | G G F D | C3 D/E/ |$
"^(a)" F2 E C | D2 A d | c3/2 A/ =B"^(b)" A/G/ | A3 G | F2 E D | C D E/F/ G | F3/2 D/ E/D/ C |
D3 ||$ D/E/ | F F D E | F2 D/E/ F | G2 F D | C3 D | F2 D E | F2 D E/F/ | G3/2 E/ F D | C3 D/E/ |$
"^(a) var." F D E C | D2 A d | c3/2 A/ =B"^(b) var." G | A3 G | F2 E D | C D E/F/ G |
F3/2 D/ E/D/ C | D3 |]
GB/7d/38 On the 1st of November
abc notation
T:GB/7d/38 On the 1st of November
C:Mr. 'Skinny' Crow, Filby, Norfolk, 3.13.
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
"^1st verse" B>c | d2 c2 B>G | A>G D2 G>F |[M:4/4] G>B d3 c (3BAG | F2 G4 B>c |$
w: |||||
[M:3/4] d2 c2 (3BAG | A>G D2 G>F |[M:4/4] G>B d4 (3BAG | F2 G4 ||$[M:3/4]"^Rest" G>A |
w: |||||
B>c d3 c/B/ | c>B !fermata!c2 B>A |"^(a)" GB AG F/=E/D- | D4 B>c |$ d2 c2 (3BAG | (3AGF D2 G>F |
w: ||||||
[M:4/4]"^(b)" G>B d4 (3BAG | F2 G4 ||$ G>A | B>c d3 c/B/ | c>B !fermata!c2 B>A |
w: |||||
"^(a) var." GBAG D2- | D4 B>c |$ d2 c2 (3BAG | (3AGF D2 G>F |"^(b) var." G>B d3 A (3BAG | FG G4 |]
w: came a can- non ball||||||
GB/7d/39 Saucy Ward
abc notation
T:GB/7d/39 Saucy Ward
C:'Skinny' Crow, Filby, III.13.
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
c | B A F F | A B c c | B A F F | F3 F | A B c/d/ e | d c B c | d f e d | c3 F |$ A B c/d/ e |
d c B c | d f e d | c3 c | B A F F | A B"^(a)" c/d/ c | B A F F | F3 || c |$ B A F F | A B c c |
B A F F | F3 F | A B c/d/ e | d c B c | d f e d | c3 F | A B c/d/ e |$ d c B c | d f e d | c3 c |
B A F F | A B"^(a) var." c c | B A F F | F3 |]
GB/7d/40 Crystal Stream
abc notation
T:GB/7d/40 Crystal Stream
C:'Skinny' Crow
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
cA | F2 FAcd | c4 d2 | G2 G2 c2 | B2 !fermata!A2 (3cde | f2 e2 d2 | c2 AG F2 | d2 cA F2 | G4 AG |$
FGAB ce | f3 e gf | d2 cA BG | EG !fermata!c2 (3CDE | F2 A2 GE | G2 F2 c2 | ed cA BG | F4 |]
GB/7d/41 Gipsy Laddy
abc notation
T:GB/7d/41 Gipsy Laddy
C:Skinny Crow
Z:Transcribed by Simon Furey and Lewis Jones
I:linebreak $
C2 | G2 GA B2 A2 | G2 E2 !fermata!F2 EF | G2 c2 c2 dc | B2 G2 !fermata!c2 |$ (3GAB |
"^(a)" c3 d B3 c | G2 GE F2 EF | GA BG A2 GF | E2 C2 C2 ||$ C2 | G2 GA B2 A2 |
G2 E2 !fermata!F2 EF | G2 c2 c2 dc | B2 G2 !fermata!c2 |$ (3GAB |"^(a) var." c2 dc B2 c2 |
G2 GE F2 EF | GA BG A2 GF | E2 C2 C2 |]