Take 6 Transcription Programme: The Butterworth Archive, MS 7d
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GB/7d/1 Painful Plough
GB/7d/2 Now We've drunk Our Master's Health
Notes on GB/7d/2 The tune is identical to that of GB/6b/12.
GB/7d/3 We Poor Labouring Men
GB/7d/4 Young Girl Cut Down In Her Prime
GB/7d/5 Horn Fair
Notes on GB/7d/5 In the MS the bar lengths are inconsistent. To resolve this the anacrucial crotchet has been split into two quavers and a forward repeat has been inserted between them.
GB/7d/6 Dido & Spandigo
GB/7d/7 Madam I'll Present
Notes on GB/7d/7 The tune is identical to that of GB/6b/25.
GB/7d/8 "Banks of Sweet Dundee"
GB/7d/9 Planxty Conor
GB/7d/10 The Blackbird (Dance)
GB/7d/11 Bonny Light Horseman
GB/7d/12 Week Before Easter
GB/7d/13 'Twas Down in Yonder Valley
GB/7d/14 The Servant Man
GB/7d/15 Merry Broomfield
GB/7d/16 Tree in the Wood
GB/7d/17 Bucknell Morris Tunes 1 of 8: Bonny Green
abc notation
T:GB/7d/17 Bonny Green
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 1 of 8
C:Will Rolfe, 1912
I:linebreak $
G | cB c ded | cB A GAB | cB c AGF | EFD C2 :: z | DE F EDC | DE F GAB |$ cB c AGF | EFD C2 :| z |
[M:3/8] C3 |[M:6/8] c2 B c3 | d2 e d3 | c2 B A3 | G2 A B3 | c2 B c3 | A2 G F3 |$ (2:3:2EF D3 |
C3 C3 | c2 B c3 | d2 e d3 | c2 B A3 | G2 A B3 | c2 B c3 | A2 G F3 | (2:3:2EF D3 |
C4- !fermata!C |]
Notes on GB/7d/17 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/18 Bucknell Morris Tunes 2 of 8: Queen's Delight
abc notation
T:GB/7d/18 Queen's Delight
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 2 of 8
I:linebreak $
d2 G dcB | cBc ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 :| cBc cBc | ABc def | gfg eag |$ gfe def | g2 g gfe |
dec ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 ||"^Uprights" cBc cBc |[M:9/8] ABc d2 e f3 |$[M:6/8] g2 f g3 |
(2:3:2ea g3 |[M:9/8] g2 f e3 def |[M:6/8] g2 g gfe | dec ABc | d2 G d2 c | BcA G3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/18 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/19 Bucknell Morris Tunes 3 of 8: Bonnet So Blue
abc notation
T:GB/7d/19 Bonnet So Blue
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 3 of 8
I:linebreak $
C | F>E F ABc | C>C C CDE | FA d cAF | GA G G2 A | F>F F FGA |$ C>C C C2 d | cB A GAG | F3 F2 :|
F | EF G GAG | C>C C C2 F | EF G GAB |$ c3 c2 B | A2 G F2 E | D2 E F2 G | AB A GFE | C3 D2 C |
F>F F FGA |$ C>C C C2 F | EF G GAB | c3 c2 B | A2 G FGA | Bc d c2 d | cB A GFE | F3 F2 ||$
[M:3/8]"^Capers" C3 |[M:6/8] F2 E F3 | A2 B c3 | C2 D C3 | C2 D E3 | F2 A d3 | c2 A F3 |$ G2 A G3 |
[M:3/8]"^? should be A music." G2 B |[M:6/8] A2 G FGA | Bcd c2 d | cBA GFE | F3 F3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/19 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook
of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/20 Bucknell Morris Tunes 4 of 8: Saturday Night
abc notation
T:GB/7d/20 Saturday Night
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 4 of 8
I:linebreak $
BAG Gdd | dAA A3 | BAG EEE | AGF G3 :| ADD D3 | AAB c3 | BAG Bcd |$ DGF G3 | ADD D3 |
[M:9/8] AAB c2 B c3 |[M:6/8] B2 A G3 | B2 c d3 | (2:3:2DG F3 |[M:3/8] G3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/20 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/21 Bucknell Morris Tunes 5 of 8: Room for Cuckolds
abc notation
T:GB/7d/21 Room for Cuckolds
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 5 of 8
I:linebreak $
F>FF C2 C |"^(a)" D>Fd cBA | F>FF C2 C | D2 G F3 ::$"^(b)" A2 F A2 F | AFA G3 | A2 F D2 D |
GFE F3 ::$ F>FF C2 C |"^(a) var." D>Fd cAF | F>FF C2 C | D2 G F3 ::$"^(b) var." AGF A2 F |
ABA G3 | A2 F D2 D | GFE F3 :|
Notes on GB/7d/21 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/22 Bucknell Morris Tunes 6 of 8: Old Woman
abc notation
T:GB/7d/22 Old Woman
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 6 of 8
I:linebreak $
C2 C C>AA | AGF EGC | FEF G3 | A>CC C3 :: ccc Gcc | Gcc cBA |$ GGG G2 G | GAF EFG | C2 C CAA |
AGF EGC | FEF G3 | A>CC C3 :|
Notes on GB/7d/22 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/23 Bucknell Morris Tunes 7 of 8: Old Black Joe
abc notation
T:GB/7d/23 Old Black Joe
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 7 of 8
I:linebreak $
CFF FEF | GAG G2 G | Fcc cBA | GAG BAG | F3 D3 | GFE F3 :|$ BAB c2 c | dBd c3 | BAB c2 c |
dBd c3 | cBA AGF |$ GAG G2 G | Fcc cBA | GAG BAG | F3 D3 | GFE F3 |]
Notes on GB/7d/23 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.
GB/7d/24 Bucknell Morris Tunes 8 of 8: Trunkles
abc notation
T:GB/7d/24 Trunkles
T:Bucknell Morris Tunes 8 of 8
I:linebreak $
c3 A B2 d2 | cABG A2 F2 | c3 A B2 d2 | cBAG F4 :| c3 =B c2 f2 |$ ddd=B c2 f2 | dd (3dc=B A2 B2 |
c4 c2 fe | d2 _B2 BABd |$ c2 A2 AFAc | B2 G2 GFGB | A2 F2 F2 c2 | B2 AG F2 G2 | F4 F4 |]
Notes on GB/7d/24 The Bucknell Morris Tunes have been thoroughly researched and published by Lionel Bacon in his "A Handbook of Morris Dances" published by the Morris Ring.