Talk:South Midland Morris

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Revision as of 10:40, 17 May 2007 by JohnnyAdams (talk | contribs)
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This does not appear to be an educational article describing 'South Midland Morris'. Rather it appears simply to be an advertisement for someone's CD. I therefore humbly suggest that this is inappropriate and should be removed. --PhilPreen 11:34, 14 May 2007 (BST)

The someone in question is the Senior Category Editor for dance on Folkopedia and the artefact in question is a CD ROM collection of written material - probably the most authoritative pieces of writing available on the subject of South Midlands Morris. Possibly it needs a better introduction on the page and there may be alternative opinions to the ones expressed in the CD itself, but I'm happy that the link is sufficiently non-commercial and of academic interest to remain.

Folkopedia Director