Index to Thompson's 200 Series: Difference between revisions

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* Europa 29-III
* Europa 29-III
* Every Man in his Humour 56-I
* Every Man in his Humour 56-I
* Fair Fanny  35-I
* The Fair Maid of the Inn 83-IV
* The Fairy Prince 10-III
* The faithful Shepherd 157-III
* Falmouth Assembly 18-IV
* The Fandango 33-IV
* Fanny the Fair 122-II
* The Fantocini 193-III
* Miss Fargeharson’s Reel 130-III
* The Farm House 124-III
* The Favorite 54-III
* The Fav’rite 183-III
* The Feathers 75-IV
* The Female Fox Hunters 167-IV
* Fete Campetre 78-IV
* La Fete du Village 129-IV
* The Fig Leaf 132-I
* The Figure three 145-II
* The first of April 14-IV
* The Flight 147-IV
* The Flirtation 104-II
* Flower of Edinburgh 18-I
* La Foes Allemand 72-IV
* Forfans Jigg 9-I
* The four Seasons 53-IV
* The Fox in the dumps 143-III
* Free Britons 119-II
* The Free Mason 125-IV
* The French Assembly 31-IV
* Fribble Hall 22-I
* The Frisky 35-IV
* Frisky Mollys delight  13-I
* Frisky Peggy 37-III
* The Frog & Mouse 136-IV
* Frolic and free 122-I
* Gallant Blakeney  161-I
* Garricks Rout 184-IV
* Ge ho dobin 108-I
* The General 1-III
* General Blakeney 51-II
* Genl. Elliots Delight 90-II
* The German Dance 33-III
* The Goose and Gridiron 101-III
* Govr. Littletons delight 94-II
* The Graces 126-IV
* Gramachree Molly 63-IV
* Granby’s Jigg 128-II
* The Grand Parade 149-I
* Grants Dance 139-III
* The Green Park 124-IV
* Greenwich Park 159-IV
* The Grove 156-IV
* Guardian Angels 73-IV
* Guilford Assembly 196-III
* The Guittar 4-II
* Gunnersbury House 60-II
* Miss Gunnings 193-I
* The half Moon 167-III
* The Hambourg Dance 188-III
* Miss Hamiltons Jigg 111-I
* Miss Hamiltons Reel 34-IV
* Hammersmith Assembly  136-I
* The Handsome Couple 153-IV
* The happy Captive 108-IV
* The Happy Cobler 40-II
* Happy Couple 16-I
* The happy friend 166-III
* The Happy Night 86-II
* The Happy Pair 154-II
* Harlequin in the Woods 90-IV
* Harlequin Ranger 77-I
* The Harpers frolic 20-III
* The Harriot 15-IV
* The Harvest is in 136-II
* Have at the French 166-I
* Hawkes humour 165-I
* The Hermione 140-II
* He’s aye a Kissing me 138-IV
* Hessian Camp 200-III
* Hessian Dance 6-II
* He stole my Tender Heart away 128-IV
* Hey ding a ding 16-IV
* Hey for Honesty [or Neighbour Downright] 170-II
* Hey to the Camp 186-II
* Heywood Wake 22-II
* The Highland Wedding 25-III
* The Hive Bonnet 135-IV
* Hob or Nob  171-I
* Lady Holderness’s Jigg 11-I
* Honest Farmer 134-I
* Honest Temples  Jigg 194-II
* Honest Will 95-II
* The Honey pot 155-II
* Hook or by Crook 82-IV
* Hopkins Corner 131-I
* Hopkins Whim, or The Artillery Rout 7-IV
* The Hour Glass 47-II
* Commodore Howe’s Ramble 30-II
* Lord How’s Jigg 115-IV
* Mrs. Hubbard’s Allemand 67-IV
* The Humours of Wapping 86-III
* Hum the Hummer 82-II
* The Hungarian March 176-I
* Hunt the Hare 100-III
* Hunt the Hare [2] 99-IV
* Hunt the Whistle 58-III
* Miss Hutchinsons Frolic 160-I

Revision as of 12:53, 15 March 2009


  • Abel Drugger 147-I
  • The Adieu 79-IV
  • Admiral Rodney’s Delight 62-II
  • The Alderman’s Hat 50-IV
  • Aldridge’s Rout 149-III
  • Alexr. Mc.Donald’s Reel 135-III
  • All Hands Hoy 44-II
  • All in the Wrong 112-II
  • All’s well 82-III
  • Ally Croaker 79-I
  • America 187-II
  • And thou wer’t my only dear 42-I
  • Any thing 138 I
  • The Apron my dear 59-III
  • The Arcadian Nuptials 195-III
  • The Arcadian Nuptials [repeat] 190-IV
  • The Artillery Rout, or Hopkins Whim 7-IV
  • Asgill’s Rant 51-III
  • The Assize Assembly 61-II
  • As soon as you please 93-I
  • The Auld Mans from home 46-I
  • Auretti’s Dutch Skipper 173-I


  • Miss Baker 68-III
  • La Ballet Hollandoise 113-III
  • The Barley Mow 149-IV
  • Lady Barnsleys Fancy 162-IV
  • Barry’s delight 158-I
  • Bath Carnival 102-IV
  • Bath Frolic or the successful Campagn 176-III
  • Bathing Machine 65-III
  • Lord Bath’s gait 179-III
  • The Baulk 180-II
  • Capn. Mac Beans Reel 63-I
  • The Beautiful Charmer 8-IV
  • The Beaver 16-II
  • Because I was a bonny Lad 169-I
  • Bellisle March, or the Review 161-II
  • The Bells of Osley 156-III
  • Lord Berkeley’s Whim 191-I
  • Berkely Castle 21-III
  • Betty blue 152-I
  • Betty Thorowgood’s delight 66-II
  • Billey’s Jigg 153-I
  • The Bill of rights 119-III
  • The Bird 173-III
  • The Bird Catchers 132-IV
  • The Bishop 144-IV
  • The Black Dance 140-III
  • Black Joke 183-II
  • Bleckynden’s Maggot 107-I
  • The Blind Fidler or more noise than work 50-III
  • The blithest Lass that e’er was seen 65-I
  • The boniest Lass in all the world 43-I
  • Bonny Kate of Aberdeen 85-III
  • Bonny Kitty 109-II
  • The bonny Lass 84-I
  • The Bonny sailor 57-IV
  • The Bonsadalians 97-I
  • Bon Ton 109-IV
  • The Booksellers Frolic 5-II
  • The Boot 43-IV
  • Boscawen’s Frolic 77-II
  • Bourton Assembly 46-III
  • La Boutonniere 161-IV
  • Bow Bells 141-III
  • Mrs. Boyces Delight 168-III
  • Boyer’s Maggot 8-II
  • Boyer’s Whim 28-II
  • The Boy in the Basket 48-III
  • Brandford hunt 9-III
  • Le Brasselets 158-IV
  • The Brave Corsicans 142-III
  • The breast knott 26-III
  • Brentford Assembly [Brentford Lasses] 27-III
  • The Brick Makers 177-I
  • Brighthelmston hot Wells 153-III
  • Britannia’s Promise 43-II
  • Breeches loose 198-I
  • The bride has a bonny thing 28-I
  • Bristol fair 39-I
  • Bristol Wells 98-I
  • Bromley Bells 25-IV
  • Brosely Assembly 96-IV
  • Brook’s Maggot 25-II
  • Brother trip foot 151-I
  • La Brunetta, or Pop the Question 10-IV
  • The Bucks Phœton or a trip to Windsor 55-III
  • Buntingford Assembly [Buningford Assembly] 72-I
  • Miss Burchills Humour 95-I
  • Burford Races 61-III
  • The Burlesque or Monmouth Assembly 115-I
  • The Busy Body 167-II
  • Butter’d Pease 173-II


  • Cameronian rant 183 I
  • The Camp 5 IV
  • Canterbury Revels 9 II
  • Capn. Commin’s Ramble 58 II
  • Captn. Cooper’s Ramble 160 III
  • Capn. Lucas’s fancy 134 III
  • Capn. Mac Beans Reel 63 I
  • Capn. Reeds Delight 163 II
  • Miss Careys bridal day 181 III
  • The Cardinal 124 I
  • Lady Caroline Stanhopes birthday 196 II
  • The Cassino 113 IV
  • Catches and Glees 87 III
  • Cavendish court, or look sharp 110 I
  • Chalford Bottom 120 I
  • The Chances 126 I
  • Chaplet 21 I
  • Charles’s Jigg 45 I
  • Lady Charles Spencers Fancy 148 IV
  • Charles Street Walk 154 III
  • Charlotte Mc.Carthy 14 III
  • Lady Charlott’s Delight 32 I
  • Charming Kitty 198 II
  • Charters Reel 5 III
  • Chasse D’Amour, or Lover’s Hunt 52 II
  • Chatsworth 181 IV
  • Cheshire Rounds 188 II
  • Cherry and Merry 43 III
  • The Chinese Festival 148 I
  • Chloe’s Dream 39 II
  • The Christening 40 III
  • The Christmas Tale 121 IV
  • Codgers in the Cannongate 29 I
  • The Coffee House 169 III
  • Colins Serenade 120 IV
  • Come if you can 3 II
  • The Comet 10 II
  • Comical Corner 11 II
  • The Comical Fancy 26 II
  • The Comical Fellow 87 IV
  • The Committee 69 IV
  • Commodore Howe’s Ramble 30 II
  • Capn. Commin’s Ramble 58 II
  • The contented Farmer 178 III
  • La Contess 86 IV
  • La Contrefatte 98 IV
  • Captn. Cooper’s Ramble 160 III
  • The corner House 154 I
  • The Coronation 110 II
  • The Corporation 114 IV
  • Countess of Coventrys March 75 I
  • Country Farmer 180 I
  • Courtissimos Frolic [Curtissimo’s Frolic] 88 I
  • Lady Coventry’s Delight 145 I
  • Cox Heath 166 IV
  • The Cozenters [The Cozeners] 62 IV
  • Cranford lodge 32 IV
  • Cream Pot 187 I
  • The Cross Hands 7 III
  • Cross the Water 130 II
  • Croydon Frisk 67 III
  • Cullodon fight 126 III
  • Cupid’s frolic 128 III
  • Cupids Frolic [2] 100 IV
  • Cupids Prophecy or the Quiver 45 II
  • La Cymbal 31 III


  • Dainty Davy 185-II
  • The Dairy Maid 61-IV
  • Dance for ever 75-II
  • Dance with ease 39-III
  • Miss Dawes’s Delight [Miss Dowess’s Delight] 52-III
  • O the Days when I was young 97-IV
  • The De’els dead 189-II
  • The Defiance 3-III
  • The Delight of Sudbury 146-II
  • The Demeple 155-I
  • The Devil among the Taylors 95-III
  • The Devil on two Sticks 164-I
  • Dick Grimstead 54-II
  • Dick the Haberdasher 53-I
  • Dick the Welch Man 92-II
  • Miss Dollands Delight 186-IV
  • Don Front in brass 123-I
  • Don Pedro 83-II
  • Don Quickset 49-IV
  • La double entendre 194-I
  • The Doubtful Shepherd 11-IV
  • The Dove House 28-IV
  • Miss Dowess’s Delight [Miss Dawes’s Delight] 52-III
  • Downies Humour 106-I
  • The dress’d Ship 36-IV
  • Drops of Brandy 171-II
  • The Drouth 191-II
  • The Drummer 170-I
  • The Drunken Blacksmith 27-II
  • The Drunken Scotsman 60-I
  • The Duenna 101-IV
  • Duke and no Duke 57-I
  • The Duke of York 120-II
  • The Dunstable Bonnet 157-II
  • The Dusky Night 103-IV
  • Dusty Miller 190-II


  • Easter Holidays 56-II
  • The Eclipse 22-III
  • Edinburgh Frolic 169-II
  • Lord Eglington’s reel 17-I
  • The 18th of April 127-III
  • Elizabeth Canning 69-II
  • Genl. Elliots Delight 90=II
  • Europa 29-III
  • Every Man in his Humour 56-I


  • Fair Fanny 35-I
  • The Fair Maid of the Inn 83-IV
  • The Fairy Prince 10-III
  • The faithful Shepherd 157-III
  • Falmouth Assembly 18-IV
  • The Fandango 33-IV
  • Fanny the Fair 122-II
  • The Fantocini 193-III
  • Miss Fargeharson’s Reel 130-III
  • The Farm House 124-III
  • The Favorite 54-III
  • The Fav’rite 183-III
  • The Feathers 75-IV
  • The Female Fox Hunters 167-IV
  • Fete Campetre 78-IV
  • La Fete du Village 129-IV
  • The Fig Leaf 132-I
  • The Figure three 145-II
  • The first of April 14-IV
  • The Flight 147-IV
  • The Flirtation 104-II
  • Flower of Edinburgh 18-I
  • La Foes Allemand 72-IV
  • Forfans Jigg 9-I
  • The four Seasons 53-IV
  • The Fox in the dumps 143-III
  • Free Britons 119-II
  • The Free Mason 125-IV
  • The French Assembly 31-IV
  • Fribble Hall 22-I
  • The Frisky 35-IV
  • Frisky Mollys delight 13-I
  • Frisky Peggy 37-III
  • The Frog & Mouse 136-IV
  • Frolic and free 122-I


  • Gallant Blakeney 161-I
  • Garricks Rout 184-IV
  • Ge ho dobin 108-I
  • The General 1-III
  • General Blakeney 51-II
  • Genl. Elliots Delight 90-II
  • The German Dance 33-III
  • The Goose and Gridiron 101-III
  • Govr. Littletons delight 94-II
  • The Graces 126-IV
  • Gramachree Molly 63-IV
  • Granby’s Jigg 128-II
  • The Grand Parade 149-I
  • Grants Dance 139-III
  • The Green Park 124-IV
  • Greenwich Park 159-IV
  • The Grove 156-IV
  • Guardian Angels 73-IV
  • Guilford Assembly 196-III
  • The Guittar 4-II
  • Gunnersbury House 60-II
  • Miss Gunnings 193-I


  • The half Moon 167-III
  • The Hambourg Dance 188-III
  • Miss Hamiltons Jigg 111-I
  • Miss Hamiltons Reel 34-IV
  • Hammersmith Assembly 136-I
  • The Handsome Couple 153-IV
  • The happy Captive 108-IV
  • The Happy Cobler 40-II
  • Happy Couple 16-I
  • The happy friend 166-III
  • The Happy Night 86-II
  • The Happy Pair 154-II
  • Harlequin in the Woods 90-IV
  • Harlequin Ranger 77-I
  • The Harpers frolic 20-III
  • The Harriot 15-IV
  • The Harvest is in 136-II
  • Have at the French 166-I
  • Hawkes humour 165-I
  • The Hermione 140-II
  • He’s aye a Kissing me 138-IV
  • Hessian Camp 200-III
  • Hessian Dance 6-II
  • He stole my Tender Heart away 128-IV
  • Hey ding a ding 16-IV
  • Hey for Honesty [or Neighbour Downright] 170-II
  • Hey to the Camp 186-II
  • Heywood Wake 22-II
  • The Highland Wedding 25-III
  • The Hive Bonnet 135-IV
  • Hob or Nob 171-I
  • Lady Holderness’s Jigg 11-I
  • Honest Farmer 134-I
  • Honest Temples Jigg 194-II
  • Honest Will 95-II
  • The Honey pot 155-II
  • Hook or by Crook 82-IV
  • Hopkins Corner 131-I
  • Hopkins Whim, or The Artillery Rout 7-IV
  • The Hour Glass 47-II
  • Commodore Howe’s Ramble 30-II
  • Lord How’s Jigg 115-IV
  • Mrs. Hubbard’s Allemand 67-IV
  • The Humours of Wapping 86-III
  • Hum the Hummer 82-II
  • The Hungarian March 176-I
  • Hunt the Hare 100-III
  • Hunt the Hare [2] 99-IV
  • Hunt the Whistle 58-III
  • Miss Hutchinsons Frolic 160-I