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Welcome to Folkopedia

A Wiki dedicated to the Folk Arts of England and beyond.
....... a peer reviewed resource for students, teachers and enthusiasts
Folkopedia is a growing resource containing all sorts of interesting and valuable information about the traditional song, dance and music both in England and beyond....... and we want you to expand it!
It's NOT about gigs or artists or festivals so don't expect to put your club details in here or find out about your favourite folk performer. It IS about songs, tunes, customs, folk plays, dances, etc. - about where they come from, what they mean, who else does something similar elsewhere in the world; in time it will provide interesting trails to follow and find treasure you didn't know about before.
You don't need to be registered to look at it. just click away and see what's building up.
Take a look at All pages and see if anything catches your interest or click the Random page link in the left hand column and see what pops up.
But you could Register and Contribute!
The full editorial policy will evolve as time goes on, but the aim is to root our information solidly in England and to relate it to the traditional musics which directly complement our own traditions.
Read the Folkopedia Policy
You don't have to be an expert to contribute to Folkopedia but we hope you will contibute to topics you actually know about. Because this is intended to be a facility for educational use, we've asked some knowledgeable people - Senior Category Editors and Section Editors - to help with keeping things accurate. You can discuss tricky bits with them via the 'talk' pages behind each article
Page editing is straightforward if you have a little experience with html or word processing. Guidance will be made available on the help pages as time goes on. If you have a contribution and no section to put it in.... have a look on the help page for guidance.
We are on the lookout for Section Monitors who might keep an eye on specific areas of the wiki. You might feel that you have enough expertise with regard to a particular collector or a county or a style of dance, etc. to be able to assess people's contributions for accuracy, advise them when things might need checking and occasionally refer issues to the senior category editor. If so, let us know that you are interested in taking a responsibility. See Contributors for more information.
Finally, anyone is welcome to apply to contribute to Folkopedia as long as they accept the principle of a peer reviewed resource. Please also realise that it is important not to contravene the Intellectual Property Rights of others. Don't post copyright content without the consent of the owner. Please look at the statements at the bottom of each edit page. We are developing strategies to deal with a range of issues and these will be published on the help pages as time goes on. See Folkopedia:Copyrights See also User guidance
Again, Welcome to Folkopedia from me and the team.
Director: Johnny Adams